Wednesday 5 November 2008

The power of the Internet

Wednesday 5th November 2008, 6.30am. Seven Warriors, each in different locations, donned their warm clothes and headed outside to train. The chosen workout was The Interval Challenge by Ross Enamait. This was workout of the week #1 for us at The challenge was arranged via the forum.

These days, I do a lot of my training in the morning, to help fit it around my work commitments. I train at a park near to where I live, and at 6.30am, there are few people around - the odd dog walker and commuter walking to the bus stop. However, this morning was different. Because I knew that there were others doing the very same thing at the same time (although geographically distant), I felt like we were all at the park and taking part in a group training session. This spurred me on, and I smashed my previous time of 22:48, finishing in 20:29.

For me, that is the power of the internet! How else would such an event happen?! Thanks to all those who partook today - looking forward to next week!

I'd like to make two special mentions.

John aka Flash - he dedicated his workout to his Father, on the anniversary of his Father's passing. He'd be proud of you mate.

Charlie aka no9cvd - he did the workout on his birthday!!!

Training first thing in the morning is difficult, especially now we are approaching/already in winter. It's too easy to make excuses not to get up and get training. Next time you feel like making excuses, watch this video:

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