Saturday 5 May 2012

VikingD in Afghanistan

My brother Nick, WT member VikingD, is currently on a 6 month tour of Afghanistan. He had told me that he'd been cramming in the training between patrols. I was eager to see evidence of this, it was bound to be epic.
Captain Nick did not disappoint. Here are the pictures - great training shots in the most austere of conditions:

Nick is currently on the "Osprey Diet." This regime involves wearing his "Osprey" body armour and 40 pounds of kit whilst simultaneously fighting the Taliban. In 2007 Nick came back from Afghanistan almost skeletal. It is credit to the soldiers' professionalism that a) a place like this exists and b) they find time in between combat missions to get their training in.

Great stuff, bro.

Food for thought: Lego Death Star.

No Excuses, Train Smart, Charlie.

1 comment:

  1. Craig Paterson5 May 2012 at 10:59

    That's some hardcore training right there, much respect to your bro dude!
