Thursday 10 May 2012


This is "Charlie-Gym", my home gym in my garage. So named by my wonderful daughter. I have spent a bit of money on it and I have just about all the equipment I need. The 2nd hand Concept 2 was my major purchase along with 20kg plates to get some good lifting going.

The money spent is an investment, not only in my strength and conditioning, but also my family's. Since its inauguration both my wife and kids have used the gym. The kids actually really enjoy coming out to play with me and I have some small dumbells so they can get stuck in.

Life being the way it is, I always found time to train difficult to come by. I often felt guilty that I left the house for long periods of time to train when I maybe should've been at home. With my set up now I am always yards away and can train even if my wife is away at work.

The other day I walked out of the gym and sat down 30 seconds later to a Sunday roast, now how cool is that!? I hope to personalise it further and maybe, one day, train others out of it. I've had a couple of mates over already to train.

Just got to get the sign finished... (its meant to be like a Coke sign :/)

Come and train anytime! (Just let me know a bit in advance!)

Train Smart, Charlie.

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