Saturday 28 April 2012

Daily posts on the blog

For a long time I've been looking for a direction for the blog. I am not a qualified coach or nutritionist - I am just a normal guy who loves to train.

I am also an avid Internet user, and enjoy reading articles on training websites, watching training videos, and generally finding out as much as I can with regards training.

With the help of fellow member Charlie, we will be producing a daily post for the blog from Monday. It will be a combination of links, articles, videos, photos and anything else we believe needs to be shared.

These will be shared from what others have posted on our forum, on social networking sites and what we have found elsewhere. This will all be done with a view to making the WT blog into a good resource for people looking for decent training information and motivation.

And whilst I have enlisted the help of Charlie, we will also welcome submissions by others, and we'd love to receive more training photos and videos to post and show others.

Here's hoping these are exciting times ahead for WT.

In training, Schwinners