Friday 6 February 2009

Equipment: My "new" dip belt

As with all homemade equipment, this is merely a guide, and if you decide to follow it to make your own dip belt, it is done at your own risk.

When I say new, I actually made it a few weeks back. I caught a glimpse of it a few minutes ago, and realised I'd planned to blog about it weeks ago but never did!


It was fairly simple to construct. The chain was a "Welded Steel Chain" from my local Wickes. 2m length, 5mm thick chain, 35mm individual chain length, maximum load 125kg. Cost me about £7. The padding is simple pipe insulation, costing about 60p, affixed with a few bits of gaffer tape. Finally, I got the chunkiest caribiners I could from my local climbing shop. They were £12 for the pair.

So for about £20, I have what has so far felt like a strong bit of kit.

If I did it again, I wouldn't have gone so OTT with the caribiners. They are a bit too chunky for the chain, which makes it a little awkward to change weights. But still it feels sturdy and that's the main thing!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for subscribing to my newsletter, I just came acrossed your site for the first tim. I love the homemade stuff! Keep up the good work!
