Wednesday 3 September 2008

Burpee Bonanza

I was recently challenged by fellow training nut Chet (founder of FK.UK) to come up with burpee variations. I did a video last year demonstrating a few burpee ideas using just my bodyweight and a space on the ground.

This time, I decided to mix it up a bit more, using a park bench, park climbing frame, and again some more bodyweight only ideas:

Chet, Andy (owner of Crossfit Reading) and our member John have also come up with some great ideas. Links to their videos are shown below:

Muscle up fun and games
Burpee bonanza

Burpee power snatch
Burpee mash up

Burpee variations

Hope you enjoy the videos!

1 comment:

  1. Great to see the blog up mate.

    Nice post too.

    Burpees ROCK. 8-)
